Teaching Experience


Current Positions

Co-Head Teaching Assistant

COS 324 - Introduction to Machine Learning    

Past Positions

Undergraduate Course Assistant

Hosted office hours and grades assignments

(S2023) COS 484 - Natural Language Processing

(S2023, F2022) COS 324 - Introduction to Machine Learning


Lab TA

Helped students debug their programming assignments

(F2022, S2022) COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures

(F2022, S2022) COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems



Graded and provided feedback on student assignments

(F2021, S2019) COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures

(F2018) COS 126 - Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach


LaTeX Trainer

Hosted LaTeX training classes and consultation sessions

(S2023, F2022) Princeton University Engineering Library